So you want to be a Freemason?
Saratoga Lodge No. 14 is the premiere Masonic Lodge in Carbon County, WY and we observe regular, traditional Freemasonry. There is a lot that can be unpacked in that statement, but what that means to a non-member is that we take our Freemasonry seriously; our ritual work is good, our philosophical discussions are stimulating, but it is our time together as brothers that is second to none. Saratoga Lodge has a long history of producing excellent Freemasons; including 3 Grand Masters, 2 Grand Secretaries, and countless scores of other Masonic officials. Saratoga Lodge No. 14 admits no man who is not a good fit for the Fraternity because, upon our legacy and his efforts he may become the leader of our Fraternity, called a Grand Master.
Personal Considerations
Freemasonry costs time, money, and effort on the part of the individual Mason. Like many things in life, you will only get out of Freemasonry what you put into it. While there are many reasons someone might want to join the Fraternity the most import reason is that you believe that membership in the Lodge is the best fit for you. If you are merely curious then perhaps you should explore that curiosity until such time as either you would not feel right doing anything else or your interest has waned. Second to that favorable opinion of the Fraternity is that it is good fit for your spouse and children if you have such persons in your life. If your spouse and children are not committed to you spending a few evenings, sometimes a day, per month at the lodge; or if, you cannot afford the cost of membership then as history has consistently proven your membership will not workout.
Fees and Dues:
Upon your petition into Lodge it must be accompanied by three signatures of Master Masons; two of which have to be from members of Saratoga Lodge No. 14 as well as the initiation fee; typically if your membership is denied your membership fee is returned to you with your denial. The annual dues at Saratoga Lodge No. 14 are higher than most other Masonic lodges in Wyoming, due to the following reasons:
- We do not encourage shallow memberships
- We do not possess bargain memberships.
- We keep our membership small.
- Lodge upkeep costs money.
- Most importantly, we think Freemasonry is worth it.
Common Prohibitions:
Sometimes a history of these behaviors will be a bar to admittance. Assuming that any of these activities in your past can be overlooked because you have demonstrated personal growth over several years since their last occurrence; then it is expected that you will never trespass into these prohibited areas of life once more.
- Adultery
- Atheism
- Licentious Behaviors
- Criminal Conduct
- Public Intoxication
Gentlemanly Expectations:
No one has ever been suspended from Freemasonry for failing to following these simple rules of etiquette and gentlemanly acts of chivalry, but several men who otherwise may have been elected to our Order have been neglected the opportunity to join because they have demonstrated a propensity to consistently disregard gentlemanly conduct; rules of etiquette and obedience to civil customs.
- Keep your affairs in order: personal, financial, and religious.
- Be in regular attendance to the religious services of your choosing and make appropriate tithes.
- Speak with poise, propriety, and candor; and be free from gossip, rumors, and tall tales no matter how true they might be.
- Mind other’s time; RSVP when the situational allows and your schedule permits. Otherwise promptly inform the inviting party with dignity of your unfortunate consequences which prevent your attendance.
- Be fit and well groomed and dress for the occasion; both out of lodge and while in active participation:
- Degrees (evening dress): tuxedo, pleated shirt, black (unless otherwise specified), and patent leather shoes.
- Meetings (day dress): black (or dark) suit, oxford shirt, and tie with black leather belt and shoes or boots capable of taking a shine.
- Activities (causal dress): polo, khaki slacks, and leather shoes or boots.
- Functions (informal dress): t-shift, jeans, and comfortable shoes or boots.
- Enjoyment of the Arts, Music and Dance; for they are the most favorable topics of conversation with the least consequence.
- Be ready to come to the aid of Truth and innocence and in the defense of the weak.
- Render service in lieu of judgment; share a coat, hold a door, or carry a bag.
- Have a distinguishing personal interest that adds value to your company.
The decision to become a Freemason is a two part decision; it is a personal decision for the petitioner, and a group decision for the Lodge; who is acting on behalf of the Fraternity worldwide. If you are serious about becoming a Freemason then you must seriously strive to repair any bad relationships that you might have in the community. One “no” from any member of the Lodge can turn into a lifetime ban from Freemasonry. Beyond the basic qualifications there remains some personal considerations that each candidate should make himself.
A man cannot be compelled to join, but he must seek member for himself for his own personal reasons. Membership is handled on the lodge level, the first step towards membership is to request a membership petition from the Lodge. Membership requirements for the Grand Lodge of Wyoming, and subsequently for our Lodge are as follows:
- Freeborn Male of at least 21 years old
- Have good moral character
- Personal belief in a Supreme Being
- Resident of your home lodge’s jurisdiction for 6 months
- An expressed interest in joining the Fraternity
- Recommendation of three Master Masons
Becoming a Freemason is not an automatic process; nor does everyone who petitions gets approved. It takes time and energy, and things are done according to the old ways; face to face and through the mail. At any time in the process that a member of the Lodge objects to your admission into our Fraternity the process is over. Admission into a Masonic lodge denotes that you have come of your own freewill and accord, and that every member of the Lodge desires your membership of his own freewill and accord.
Once you demonstrate an interest in Freemasonry, you maybe invited to several lodge functions; lodge functions are public activities that anyone can attend, but you will be invited. Once you are invited it is expected that you attend; excepting only for a schedule conflict in work or a major family event (birthdays, anniversaries, etc); also you maybe excused in case of a family emergency. Failure to attend any of the Lodge’s functions after invitation is an indication to the Lodge that you are not ready to take membership in Freemasonry seriously. This is why some candidates attend for only a few times and others must attend several.
Freemasons use the word “Petition” instead of “Application” to join their Lodges because it is formal process of a group of people. The group in the case of your petition is yourself, and the three signers of your petition. Those three signers are placing their seal of approval upon your request to become a Freemason; and they are offering that their high opinion of you merits the formal attention of the Lodge to determine the suitability for membership. This process is indicative of how the Lodge operates.
After you submit your petition the process takes time. The next thing to happen is that your petition is read in open lodge and any member present can object to your membership; in which case you will be informed and your initiation fee returned to you. If there is no objection made, the Master of the Lodge will assign an investigating committee and they are charged with learning everything they can about you. That investigating committee job is to protect the Lodge and the Craft; which means they will pull all your public records and reports, talk to your family, neighbors, and other people who know you well. The last part of the investigation involves a visit to your home to determine if your wife and kids; if you have either is supportive of your entrance into Freemasonry. After the visit, they will make their report to the lodge; either favorable or unfavorable. The Lodge will then take a formal ballot on your membership and it has to be unanimous.
Initiation into Membership
Initiation into Freemasonry starts with receiving the three degrees; they are rituals performed with you as a the central character. For many the process is very scary and it can cause considerable anxiety. Despite what you will read on the internet or hear from well intentions of various religious ministers there is nothing in regular Freemasonry that can cause a conflict between you and God, your family, your Country, or your Community. Freemasonry gets a bad rapt because of a few men; whose printed thoughts and opinions have been taken out of context to make a point or these men failed to understand the true nature of the Craft. Freemasonry also gets accused of causing revolutions; this is inaccurate because in every example in history where Freemasons are said to have fought on the side of the revolution you will find other Freemasons fighting on the side of the existing government. Which brings us to a hard and fast rule; no discussions about religion and politics while in a lodge meeting.
Common Questions
What if only one member disapproves?
In the event that you have been found worthy and well qualified for Freemasonry, but a personal conflict exists – whether you know it or not – between you and another member of the Lodge; then on your behalf the Lodge will reach out to a nearby lodge to determine if they are willing to accept you. This is not something that you can do on your own; once you petition a lodge your membership in the Fraternity is predicated on that lodges decision. A “no” once, in some other place, is a “no” everywhere forever.
What if I don’t know any Masons?
Once you demonstrate an interest in the Fraternity, you will invited to several public Masonic functions. Take the opportunity to get to know the brothers of Saratoga Lodge No. 14. To become a Freemason, you must submit a petition to the Lodge with three current members signature upon it. Two of the signers must be from the Lodge that you are petitioning.